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Chiropractic Manipulation

Chiropractic manipulation/adjustments provide effective relief from neck or back pain, while also improving your spine's overall mobility as well as the function of multiple organ systems of the body. Dr. Pries takes a personalized approach to your treatment plan to ensure you get the best possible results.

Functional Medicine

Dr. Pries adopts a comprehensive approach when working with all patients, which may encompass the principles of functional medicine. This approach involves a thorough assessment of the body's major systems and focuses on fortifying areas of weakness. Rather than solely targeting a particular ailment, his approach involves addressing the root causes, fostering overall health, and enabling the body's innate capacity for self-healing by taking a proactive "Upstream" approach.


Myofascial Care

Myofascial care is an important component to help relieve pain and improve mobility. Dr. Pries uses hands-on techniques that are designed to release muscle tension, which can lead to improved flexibility,  release long-term stress, and improve overall wellness.

Pediatric Care

Chiropractic care for infants, toddlers, and children is extremely safe, gentle and effective. Hands-On adjustment techniques use very light pressure while achieving positive results. Top reasons for Pediatric Care include colic, constipation,  ear infections, and attention issues.

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Pregnancy/Prenatal Care

 When pain medicine isn't an option, Chiropractic Care comes to the rescue! Gentle and safe for mom and baby, proper spinal alignment and function make for a more comfortable pregnancy. Additionally,  it has been shown to expedite labor and delivery making it more comfortable for mom and baby!

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